Cari Resep

Info Resep Kuliner Di Indonesia

Resep Ubi

Resep Ubi Goreng Lapis Kelapa

Ubi Goreng Lapis Kelapa

 hidangan penutup

 30 menit  3 Porsi

Resep Bola Bola Ubi Goreng

Bola Bola Ubi Goreng


 40 menit  12 buah Porsi

Resep Bakwan Ubi

Bakwan Ubi

 gurih, tepung bumbu, camilan

 40 Menit  4 Porsi

Resep Bolu Kukus Ubi

Bolu Kukus Ubi


 15 Porsi

Resep Bola Bola Ubi

Bola Bola Ubi

 jajanan pasar,kue,roti

 6 Porsi

Resep Candil Ubi Ungu

Candil Ubi Ungu

 jajanan pasar

 5 Porsi

Resep Kue Ubi Ungu Choco Chips

Kue Ubi Ungu Choco Chips


 01:00:00  4 Porsi

Resep Puding Ombre Ubi Ungu

Puding Ombre Ubi Ungu


 6 Porsi

Resep Bola Ubi Jalar Dengan Nangka

Bola Ubi Jalar Dengan Nangka

 recipe, series, medium, vegetables, video, under mins

 0:40:0  2 Porsi

Resep Moci Ubi Ungu Khas Jepang

Moci Ubi Ungu Khas Jepang

 recipe, under mins, medium, dessert, halal, snacks, dessert

 1:0:0  4-6 orang Porsi

Resep Bola Ubi Ungu Isi Sambal Roa

Bola Ubi Ungu Isi Sambal Roa


 01:00:00  4 Porsi

Resep Ubi Goreng Krispi (crispy Fried Sweet Potato)

Ubi Goreng Krispi (crispy Fried Sweet Potato)

 snacks, easy, indonesian, sweet potato, savory, under mins

 0:35:0  2-4 orang Porsi

Resep Bola Bola Ubi (indonesia Sweet Potato Balls)

Bola Bola Ubi (indonesia Sweet Potato Balls)

 indonesian, dessert, sweet

 0:50:0  2-4 orang Porsi

Resep Kolak Pisang Ubi (banana And Sweet Potato Dessert)

Kolak Pisang Ubi (banana And Sweet Potato Dessert)

 ramadan, sweet potato, dessert, fruity, coconut milk, sweet, dessert, indonesian

 1:10:0  2-4 orang Porsi